Prometheus Unbound
Prometheus Unbound is a chair based on the suffering, and ultimately the liberation, of the titan Prometheus. As punishment for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to the humans, Prometheus was chained to a mountain where an eagle would feast on his liver for all eternity. The eternal punishment ends with Heracles killing the eagle and liberating him.
The entire chair is made of steel, a material that has contributed more to modern civilization than any other material, while the visible surfaces are covered by acrylic-based paint and vinyl wrap - synthetic products derived from oil production. All of them materials impossible to produce or shape without first taming fire.
Plato referred to Prometheus as the creator of man. To this day, Prometheus has had great significance in Western tradition as a rebel, artist and tragic hero. The chair is a continuation of this tradition and an attempt to embody and contextualize Greek mythology through furniture design.
All Photos: Einar Stabenfeldt